I've been neglecting my blog completely these past three weeks. But the past three weeks have not only been busy but uninspiring and miserable for me. Maybe it's the lack of sleep, female maladies or the fact that my bedcovers make me itch but I have been in a terrible mood recently and only these last few days have my spirits started to lift... And I'm terribly sorry to all the people I inflicted my non-existent good humor to recently.
And that usually means bloggy time! :D
These past three weeks in a nutshell:
1) New Girl (new sitcom besides HIMYM!)
Love this adorkable show. Nearly burst a blood vessel when watching episode 8 which should totally come with a warning for weird nerdy bedroom shiz. Will continue to enjoy this show for as long as it runs because it's worth it! :D2) Hobbycon 2011 at Suria KKUmbrella Corp guy, I hope you're as hot inside as you are on the outside, and if you are, call/tweet/buzz me! ;-)This is starting to become a yearly tradition. Every year I attend these things with my little sisters in tow who actually know how to identify all the anime characters in my photos, every year they hunt down Kakashi for a photo. However this year, it seems like all the interesting cosplayers came on the first day.
3) Carolers from Lifeline, Sacred Heart!I wish I played the guitar half as well as my friend, Joanna!4) Gaya Street Christmas Fair 2011Pic's kinda bad but this was one of the most inspiring things I've seen all year in Kota Kinabalu. A group of carolers JOYFULLY singing to the the tune of a guitar despite the extremely heavy rain. While everyone else was scrambling for shelter, these guys' spirits weren't dampened the least bit, in fact they sang more energetically! They were the best sounding carolers I heard this Christmas season! :DFireworks during the closing ceremony at the Nativity Hut. I could not resist a giggle when I noticed that the Three Wise Men were heavily draped male mannequins.
5) My dear air hostess sis, Saree dropped by for a couple of days!She's gonna kill me for posting up this pic of her chillin' at Shamrock's before watching *rollseyes* Breaking Dawn. Teehee!
(P/S: That book under her skinny arm is Jane Costello's Girl on the Run. Highly recommended if you like chick lit!)6) And FINALLY! For all the Baek Ja Eun/Hwang Tae Hee shippers!